Archive for Behind the Mixer

How did you get here?

Posted in Tech Stuff with tags , , on November 15, 2008 by John

Have you stumbled across my blog looking for technical information, help, tips, tricks or suggestions?  If you’re like me you are constantly searching the web trying to learn more about your craft.  I find myself daily searching for more information.  Currently I am reading the book “The Ultimate Live Sound Operator’s Handbook” by Bill Gibson.  It is pretty straight forward and easy to understand, I recommend it to anyone looking for some basic answers.  I read lots of blogs and if you know of some good ones please forward them to me!  One of the blogs I read often is Chris Huff’s Behind the Mixer.  Chris always has great content and distributes a Newsletter that is full of useful information.  Chris actually interviewed me and posted it on his blog.  Now that I have been published we are re-negotiating my contract…You know the one most of us have, which is, as long as you keep showing up they will let you do it.  One day I hope that I can write lots of useful content, but until then here is my wisdom for all of you techs.  Keep Searching, Sharing and Serving!